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How insulting.

MADISON, WI (WSAU) – Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers’s office introduced a bill on Friday afternoon that would change the way a Wisconsin state law addresses biological women and men.

According to the bill known as 2025 Senate Bill 45, which was first reported on by conservative radio host Dan O’Donnell, Section 3106 contains numerous examples of terms such as wife, husband, mother, and father being crossed out and removed in favor of terms like spouse, person, and even inseminated person.

The word “mother” is not just a biological designation. The word is pregnant with cultural meaning connoting love, protection, caring, family leadership, and so much more. When someone carries the title of “mother”, they carry much more than the simple biological fact that someone else inseminated them. How insulting it is to a woman and mother to diminish her importance to only being something that a man did to her. Women are not livestock. Mothers are not just inseminated persons.

By Owen

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