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Gov. Walker, Rep. Tiffany, and Meg Ellefson praise IRG Court Watch, Citing Need for Oversight

Delafield, Wis. –  The Institute for Reforming Government (IRG) announced its Court Watch Initiative on Thursday, an effort aimed at monitoring the activity of the courts and educating Wisconsinites on the significance of the judiciary in our daily lives. Learn about IRG Court Watch at

WHY IT MATTERS: From decisions on election laws, to school choice, to regulations impacting our freedoms, the courts play a crucial role in our everyday lives. Often overlooked, the courts have a quiet but giant role in nearly everything we do, yet most Wisconsinites are unaware of what they do or who even sits on the various benches.

Read IRG Court Watch’s primers on Act 10, School Choice, Voter ID, Gun and Sportsmen Rights, and Business Climate


“Wisconsin faces a crossroads. An activist Supreme Court will turn Wisconsin into Minnesota or Illinois. This threatens our commonsense reforms like voter ID, Act 10, and school choice. Judges in Wisconsin have a direct impact on individuals, families, businesses, and schools in our state,” said Gov. Scott Walker. “Despite the immense power possessed by the courts, the judicial branch is the least understood by voters. That’s why I am excited that the Institute for Reforming Government is launching Court Watch! This will help educate the public about the powers of the judicial branch. These efforts are key to the conservative comeback in the Badger State.”

“Wisconsinites need significant oversight on Wisconsin’s least understood branch. Voters in my district know all too well the effect the judiciary can have on our daily lives,” said Rep. Tom Tiffany (WI-7). “By helping the public understand the activity of the courts, the Institute for Reforming Government is ensuring accountability and transparency from the judicial branch.” 

“I am grateful for like-minded conservative organizations like IRG who care about the future of Wisconsin. Because we live, work, pay taxes and raise our families here, we all have a vested interest in succeeding,” said Meg Ellefson, host of the Meg Ellefson show on WSAU. “I strongly support IRG’s Court Watch initiative and their efforts to Make Wisconsin Great Again.”

“The effect of Wisconsin’s judiciary on everyday Wisconsin life cannot be understated. The public must know how decisions from our courts will shape their future,” said CJ Szafir, CEO of the Institute for Reforming Government. “IRG’s Court Watch Project will provide critical analysis on the courts, showing Wisconsinites exactly what our courts have done, are doing, and can do in the future.”

THE PEOPLE: The Institute for Reforming Government assembled a rockstar legal team led by Jake Curtis to oversee Wisconsin’s Courts. Curtis is IRG’s Director of its Center for Investigative Oversight, and will assume a full time role at IRG to lead Court Watch. IRG is also assembling legal fellows to launch Court Watch, including Daniel Suhr, an attorney at the Center for American Rights. IRG also recently hired Alesha Guenther, an attorney, as its Marketing and Communications Director who will share the Court Watch’s findings. 

WHAT’S NEXT: State courts impact everyday Wisconsinites’ lives and IRG’s new Court Watch initiative will lead in educating on the importance of the judicial branch. Keep up with updates on IRG Court Watch here at IRG’s Court Watch will also appear on the Meg Ellefson show regularly to share its findings.

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