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Janet Protasiewicz Laugh

The Wisconsin Supreme Court election is Tuesday. Milwaukee Judge Janet Protasiewicz squares off against former Justice Dan Kelly.

Wisconsin Right Now has done extensive reporting on this race. Some of our reporting has been censored by the news media. Here we round up 11 stories that provide you important information about Milwaukee Judge Janet Protasiewicz before election day:

1. 6 people have accused Milwaukee Judge Janet Protasiewicz of committing elder abuse

Read the story here and here and here. There’s video and audio of the people making the accusations. Two of those people are alleged eyewitnesses and four of them say they were told about the allegations years ago. Protasiewicz denied the allegations to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, although she never responded to our requests for comment. The newspaper reported she was considering suing, but never reported that her campaign quickly walked that back and said she is not considering suing.

2. 2 people say they heard Janet Protasiewicz use racial slurs to refer to blacks

Read the story here and here. There’s video and audio of the people making the accusations. One of those alleged earwitnesses says Protasiewicz ranted about the drug wars and used the “n word” to refer to black parents and others in Children’s Court cases while she was a prosecutor there. The other says she used the “n word” and a racial slur against Hispanics in a derogatory fashion. Protasiewicz denied the allegations to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, although she never responded to our requests for comment.

3. Protasiewicz, as a prosecutor, fought tooth-and-nail to remove two twins from a black grandmother, despite no evidence of abuse or neglect

Read the story here. Court records say the grandmother, Margaret Hudson, lost the grandsons initially because she didn’t have a bigger house. The action came around the same time Protasiewicz is accused of using racial slurs to refer to blacks.

Protasiewicz bragged about the case in the past. She refused to respond to requests for comment on the Hudson case.

Former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke said Protasiewicz’s actions are reminiscent of slavery. Read the story here.

4. Janet Protasiewicz has been accused of giving violent offenders weak sentences; some have reoffended

Read the stories here and here and here and here.

5. Asked about her weak sentence in a Milwaukee rape case, Protasiewicz laughed

Read the story here, and watch the video.

6. Protasiewicz touted an endorsement from a group so radical they don’t want criminals charged as adults until age 25

Read the story here.

7. Protasiewicz said Scott Walker’s Act 10 is unconstitutional even though judges are not supposed to give their opinions on cases that might come before the court

Read the story here. Act 10 has saved Wisconsin taxpayers billions of dollars. Read that story here.

8. Janet Protasiewicz lied on video about the number of cases she has sentenced

Read the story here.

9. Janet Protasiewicz once tried to get a family grave plot that was next to her estranged husband’s dead wife

It’s in court records. Read the story here.

10. A state appeals court said Janet Protasiewicz made serious errors in a co-sleeping death case

Read the story here.

11. Janet Protasiewicz’s former stepson says she used to be a pro-lie conservative before she turned into a fire-breathing pro-abortion activist

Read the story here.

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