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Good Friday. When we consider this is the day the sinless Son of God, died an unjust and cruel death, it’s fair to ask, “What’s good about this day?” That question can be answered with a single Greek word—tetelestai. Literally it means “It is finished,” one of sayings Jesus uttered from the cross. In New Testament times this word was written on financial receipts to indicate a debt—had been paid in full. That’s what’s good about Good Friday. The sin debt we could never repay was paid in full by the shed blood of the perfect Lamb of God.

Good Friday was dark and in many ways crushingly sad for Christ’s loved ones and followers. They didn’t see the good. They didn’t remember He had told them He’d rise again. But Sunday morning was indeed a new day! They found an empty tomb and a risen Savior! And because He lives, so shall we. For sure, it may be Friday, but Sunday is coming! A blessed Resurrection Day to all!

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