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By Dan Miller, Pro-Life Wisconsin State Director

“So, what do you do for a living?” Over time, my condensed answer to the question has come down to this:  “We are Wisconsin’s life insurance policy.  We make sure babies get born.”

Protecting and defending life, especially the lives of preborn children, is our primary mission at Pro-Life Wisconsin. So when I hear politicians or businesses lamenting about labor shortages in Wisconsin from either side of the political spectrum, I always point to the number of babies aborted in Wisconsin since the beginning of Roe.  From my perspective, you do not get to complain about labor shortages when you or your party has either supported abortion or did no more than the bare minimum to qualify you as “pro-life” to your constituents.

Wisconsin has a labor shortage? Consider these numbers. Since Wisconsin began reporting abortion statistics in 1977, 541,806 preborn babies have been murdered in Wisconsin.  Five decades of killing innocent children in the name of “choice.” And if all 541,806 of the aborted Wisconsin babies had been allowed to live and grow, how many offspring would they have produced?

Our population is profoundly impacted by abortion. Let’s just look at the first two generations of these 541,806 children that never had a chance. About half of those aborted children were female (270,903), and according to the law of large numbers, those females could have produced 547,224 babies (based on the 2.02% fertility rate).   So, adding the potential 547,224 offspring to the original 541,806 who were killed over the last five decades, there are about 1,089,030 people missing from the Wisconsin population who were never given a chance.  

How do you suppose that an additional 1,089,030 in Wisconsin’s workforce would affect our labor shortages?  And how do those 1,089,030 missing lives affect the Wisconsin economy?

According to Kip Viscusi, an economist at Vanderbilt University, your life is worth about $10 million over a lifetime.  He’s gotten a lot of criticism for putting a number on the value of one life, but government agencies like the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), all need to put a price on life.  They use these valuations to determine which safety regulations are worth the cost.  The Viscusi estimation means that those lives lost in Wisconsin to abortion and one generation of their progeny cost the state $10,890,300,000,000 in lost income or worth.  If you are counting the zeroes right now, that’s ten TRILLION dollars—a little less than 40% of the national debt.  Could you imagine what our nation could do with all of this “extra” income tax that was never earned?    

 So we’ve just solved Wisconsin’s employment gaps:  End abortion and God will bless our land and our efforts. It’s not just an economic problem, of course.  We have been trumpeting the spiritual and moral travesties of abortion for almost three decades.  The number of lives lost is sickening and deeply concerning.  We could solve many of our economic problems by making abortion illegal and unthinkable, but more importantly, we can also take a major step toward saving the immortal souls in our state.  What are we waiting for, Wisconsin?  Let’s make it happen!  Join us in the battle that will be a saving grace for all our lives. Get involved!  God is waiting for our response, but He won’t wait forever! 


***According to Macrotrends, the US fertility rate was 2.02% in 1973, spiraling down to 1.78% in 2021.  1.6% is considered to be unfixable by any means, even including open immigration.

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