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Kendrew Wilson Jr., the 23-year-old suspect accused of raping a Waukesha, Wisconsin, business owner inside her downtown store, was released on a signature bond in a Waukesha County criminal case just two weeks before the brutal attack.

Wilson was given the signature bond by David Herring, who is the same Waukesha County court commissioner who let Darrell Brooks remain on the streets before the parade massacre.

A nurse called the victim’s injuries in the downtown rape, which occurred inside the victim’s store, “the worst damage she has seen in a long time.”

In 2020, Wilson wrote on Facebook, “I’ve change f*ck Waukesha. Watch this…….” He also wrote, “I’m not there yet, but I’m starting not to care. When I don’t, I’ll tell u. But I warn u once, I will hurt u. Maybe I don’t mean this not yet.”

He also wrote: “10 years, man I gave that to the gang. 4 years I gave that to the pins. 24-7 I gave that to the hustling, I’m back at it again but I’m just a different, man. it’s gone be different ya.”

kendrew o wilson
Kendrew o. Wilson’s lengthy criminal history.

The criminal complaint says the woman was working in her store when Wilson entered it around 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 23, 2023, and asked if she had money and whether he could use the phone. He then called a provider of cards given to released inmates.

He mentioned the earlier criminal case which occurred at the bus station but then slammed her onto the ground, raped her, and threatened to kill her, the criminal complaint says.

He allegedly told her he has “needs and rage.”

Bail has now been set at $2 million after Kendrew O. Wilson, Jr. was charged with first-degree sexual assault of an elderly person and bail jumping in Waukesha County Circuit Court, according to court records.

On Feb. 16, 2023, Waukesha Court Commission David Herring gave Wilson the signature bond for misdemeanor carrying a concealed knife and disorderly conduct as a repeater, court records show.

kendrew wilson
Kendrew wilson.

Kendrew Wilson, who was on active state supervision in Waukesha at the time of the attack, has previous convictions for misdemeanor disorderly conduct in Waukesha. Judge Jennifer Dorow gave him 180 days in jail on 02-25-2022 for those offenses.

He was also previously convicted in Waukesha County for felony substantial battery, bail jumping, resisting an officer, and disorderly conduct.

On 01-26-2022, he received 15 months in prison for those offenses from Judge Jack Melvin. He was released on mandatory release on 11/22/2022, state Corrections records show.

Wilson also has a disorderly conduct ticket from Racine. He was convicted of resisting an officer, a misdemeanor, in Waukesha County. Judge Ralph Ramirez gave him a time served disposition of 90 days jail for that previous offense. He was ticketed in Waukesha County for disorderly conduct.

In 2016, he was convicted of battery by prisoners in Racine. Judge Mark Nielsen gave him two years probation.

He was convicted that same year of a second battery by prisoners case in Waukesha. Judge Michael Maxwell gave him three years probation. His probation was revoked in 2017 and he was sent to prison for two years.

When it comes to the Darrell Brooks’ case, Brooks had a Waukesha paternity/child support case that could have gotten him off the streets before the parade attack. But Herring refused a request from a state child support attorney (Waukesha’s Daniel Sielaff) to jail Darrell E Brooks just five days before the parade attack, despite Brooks’ extremely poor history in the case. Read more about that here.

In a press release on the downtown rape, Waukesha police wrote, “On Thursday February 23rd at approximately 8 p.m., City of Waukesha Police officers met with a 68-year-old female advising she was sexually assaulted. The victim advised that she was sexually assaulted by a black male earlier in the evening.”

Upon receiving the information, police wrote, “we utilized all available resources to locate this unknown suspect. City of Waukesha Dispatchers and investigators scoured the Opti Cop cameras, Body Worn Cameras and prior incidents with potential suspects matching that description.”

According to the police, “Specific details offered to us by the crime victim led us to a person of interest that we were able match those details from prior law enforcement contacts.”

They noted: “Due to the potential threat the suspect posed to the public an exigent circumstance ping on the suspects phone was placed. We were able to locate the suspect in another jurisdiction. We leveraged our partnerships with these agencies, and they were able to locate the suspect in short order. This was an all-hands-on deck investigation that did not stop until the suspect was located.”

According to police; “We leveraged all the City of Waukesha’s investments in training and technology. We utilized our long-standing partnerships with outside agencies and above all we never left the side of the crime victim until the suspect was brought into custody.”

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