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1. What is the biggest issue you’ve been hearing about from your constituents?

Constituents are concerned about several issues, Taxes, extreme partisanship, Election Integrity, and more; but the most consistent concern I hear about is the increasing lawlessness. Be it retail theft, reckless driving, car-jacking, and violence, all are very much on the mind of my constituents. They do not blame the police. Instead, they hold the judicial system culpable for failing to enforce the laws already on the books. They feel lax enforcement only encourages this lawlessness.

2. If you were given the opportunity to enact one reform, what would it be?

I believe District Attorneys have too much discretion on which laws they choose to enforce. I would require a closer adherence to charging individuals for the crimes they have been arrested.

3. What is something that people don’t know about you?

In my 30’s and 40’s, I climbed mountains as a hobby—climbing peaks in the Rockies, Wind River, and Cascade mountain ranges.

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