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The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) has successfully persuaded the City of Neenah Clerk to end illegal electioneering practices related to August’s Constitutional Amendment questions. The Neenah clerk notified WILL that they have removed all materials from the voting booths, in compliance with state law.

The Quotes: WILL Deputy Counsel, Dan Lennington, stated, “Neenah’s City Clerk had no right to try to put a thumb on the scale to manipulate the opinions of voters. This should serve as a warning to other election clerks to abide by the rules in Wisconsin law.”

Additional Background: Voters are casting ballots ahead of the August 13th Partisan Primary and considering two ballot questions that would change the Wisconsin Constitution. The City of Neenah placed a news article in voting booths, which pained the ballot questions as partisan in nature. The article signaled which side Republicans should support, and which side Democrats should support. The Clerk previously stated that “voters don’t understand” the questions and she must “explain” what the election means to voters. This conduct is called “electioneering” and is forbidden by Wisconsin state law.

While WILL supports the passage of the amendments, any attempt to influence the outcome at the polls or in the voting booth, especially by election officials, is illegal. The referendum questions are non-partisan.

Read More:
· Neenah Response, 8.8.24
· WILL Letter, 8.7.24

Dan Lennington

Dan Lennington

Deputy Counsel

The post After Warning from WILL, Wisconsin Election Clerk Backs Away from Illegal Electioneering appeared first on Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty.

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