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What Happened: On Wednesday the Wisconsin Deputy Operations Director for the DNC filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Elections Commission against the Wisconsin Green Party, challenging the Green Party’s placement of its presidential candidate on the November ballot.  The complaint argues the Green Party “ is legally foreclosed under Wisconsin law from nominating any presidential electors, and therefore cannot field candidates for president and vice president who are eligible to appear on the ballot.”

Why it Matters: In the 2016 presidential election, the Green Party candidate for president received over 31,000 votes in Wisconsin.  In 2020, recognizing the impact of the Green Party candidate for president, a complaint was filed with WEC, ultimately preventing the placement of the Green Party candidate for president on the November ballot.  In light of the 23,000 vote margin for President Biden, many have argued the removal of the Green Party candidate from the ballot impacted the fall outcome.  Successfully removing the Green Party candidate for president again in 2024 could have significant implications for the outcome in November.

What Comes Next: WEC will hear arguments regarding the DNC complaint.  In the event WEC removes the Green Party candidate for president from the ballot, the losing party would have the opportunity to appeal.  However, in light of upcoming deadlines to begin printing absentee ballots, any appeal would have to be made quickly and could include a direct appeal to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

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