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The post Education & Workforce: Why Aren’t Students Better Prepared? appeared first on WMC Wisconsin’s Chamber .
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Recent Wisconsin Employer Surveys from WMC have shown the majority of businesses are frustrated with how educationally unprepared the workforce is to meet basic employment needs. As Madison community members weigh in on a proposed charter school for the area, Scott Manley joined Vicki McKenna to support the alternative education option as a means to bridge the divide between the business community and the education sector.
“73% of employers said that our public schools are not doing a good job of preparing our workforce,” Manley said. “That’s terrible.”
Additionally, over half of employers said they have employees that have a difficult time doing basic math and reading. According to the survey, many have had to reduce hiring requirements because of the inadequacies of the public school system.
Wisconsin employers are desperate for better educational outcomes and career preparedness, looking at alternative options, apprenticeship programs, and other opportunities for students to get the education and experience they need to succeed in an occupation.
McKenna and Manley discussed the shortcomings of Madison schools, specifically pointing to its low involvement in the Wisconsin youth apprenticeship program.
Manley claims the state has the best youth apprenticeship program in the United States, but stated only 37 Madison students are taking advantage of the program.
The post Education & Workforce: Why Aren’t Students Better Prepared? appeared first on WMC Wisconsin’s Chamber .