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Atheist evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has defended Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling from the criticism she has received for her pushback against the efforts of trans activists to “pretend biology doesn’t exist.” According to Christian post, Dawkins appeared on the program “Piers Morgan Uncensored” Monday, where he and the host discussed a suggestion from a group of scientists to abandon the use of “gendered” terms such as man, woman, mother, and father. Morgan also denounced the effort to “degender and neutralize language.”

This is an amazing conversation Dawkins and Morgan had. Both men are usually on the liberal side of any issue, but here they are both saying science really does matter, especially when it comes to someone’s sex. Dawkins and Morgan would not acknowledge that God is the creator of male and female, but at least they, unlike many others, acknowledge the evident creative order.

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