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Sen. Felzkowski and Badger Institute made the case for dental therapists
One year after the passage of a Badger Institute-backed law allowing dental therapy in Wisconsin, the first practitioners are now licensed, and aspiring students will soon be able to pursue a degree at one of the state’s technical colleges.

Emily Reibert of River Falls is one of three newly licensed dental therapists. She has worked both as a dental hygienist and as a dental therapist in Minnesota, where she earned a dual degree from the University of Minnesota. Previously commuting across the border for work, she is now looking to become one of the first practicing dental therapists in the Badger State with her new Wisconsin license.
“Dental therapists are often compared to mid-level providers such as nurse practitioners or physician assistants,” she said. “We have a wider scope of practice than a dental hygienist but a smaller scope than a dentist. (We) play a key role in increasing access to care and can provide a lot of basic dental treatment, allowing dentists to focus on more difficult or complex” cases.
The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services established a licensing process for individuals who have already earned a dental therapy degree in other states. Reibert, who received her license in mid-January, said the process took about four months and that the agency “was pretty good at getting back to me in a timely manner.”
On the education front, Northcentral Technical College in Wausau has taken the lead in developing a curriculum and pursuing accreditation through the Commission on Dental Accreditation for the state’s first dental therapy program.
The passage of the dental therapy law was a victory for Wisconsinites living in areas with oral care shortages.
It was also a victory for the Badger Institute, which, since 2019, has provided research, articles, expert testimony, videos, and commentaries demonstrating the widespread nature of dental shortages in Wisconsin.
The institute’s work also highlighted the success of dental therapy in other states, particularly Minnesota, a pioneer in the statewide adoption of the practice. According to the National Association of Community Health Centers’ Dental Therapy Resource Guide, there were 131 dental therapists practicing in Minnesota in early 2024.
According to Badger Institute research, 58 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties have too few dental providers per capita. For years, the state has had among the worst dental care access and usage rates for disadvantaged populations. More than half a million children who receive dental benefits through Medicaid struggle to access routine oral care.
These “dental deserts” motivated state Sen. Mary Felzkowski (R-Tomahawk) to add Wisconsin to the growing list of states that allow dental therapy.
“Dental access in the state is a big deal,” she said. “We have a lot of areas that are underserved.”
Felzkowski emphasized that dental therapy offers a free-market solution to the public health problem. While some have called for increasing Medicaid payments to incentivize dentists to work with underserved populations, dental therapists can address the issue without adding costs to taxpayers.
For example, in 2017, when there were just 77 licensed dental therapists in Minnesota, they provided more than 107,000 patient visits, according to Jane Koppleman, then research director for the Pew Charitable Trusts Dental Campaign.
“There’s no magic bullet,” said Felzkowski, “but this is a step in the right direction.”
Felzkowski found an early ally in the Wisconsin Technical College System, particularly Northcentral Technical College.
“People worked really hard to advance the bill,” said Layla Merrifield, president of the Wisconsin Technical College System. “It took a few legislative sessions to get the right partnerships.
“We really had some deficits in this state,” Merrifield added. “Dental therapy had to be part of the solution in expanding more sophisticated care to rural areas. We try to be responsive to workforce and employment needs in Wisconsin. That’s our heart and soul.”
Dental therapists work in dental shortage areas under the supervision of a licensed dentist.
“The need for skilled oral healthcare professionals continues to grow in central Wisconsin, especially in rural communities,” said Laura Ahonen, associate dean of Allied Health and Human Services at Northcentral Technical College.
The struggle to find affordable, accessible dental care particularly affects “vulnerable populations, including individuals on Medicare or Medicaid, low-income residents, those living in rural areas, tribal communities, and people in correctional facilities,” Ahonen said.
The college submitted an application for accreditation to the Commission on Dental Accreditation in August 2024. Once it receives initial accreditation, the program will begin enrolling students, possibly as early as fall 2025. Twelve students will be admitted each fall term.
To enroll in the two-and-a-half-year program, applicants must have graduated from an accredited dental hygiene program and be licensed as a dental hygienist by the Wisconsin State Board of Dental Examiners.
Students will learn a range of skills, including oral examinations, cleanings, fluoride treatments, and minor restorative procedures.
Dental therapy was a logical next step given Northcentral Technical College’s well-established dental programs, Ahonen said.
Eight of the 16 technical colleges in Wisconsin offer an associate’s degree in dental hygiene, Felzkowski noted. The state budget provides funding to help establish dental therapy programs at these technical schools.
Upon graduation, students will be eligible to apply for a professional license to practice in the state. The Department of Safety and Professional Services has information on licensing requirements available on its website.
Reibert is enthusiastic about the opportunity to practice her profession in the state where she lives.
“It’s such an exciting time,” she said. “I know the addition of dental therapy is going to have a huge impact on our state.”
Michael Jahr is former Vice President at the Badger Institute, current CEO of Jahr Productions, and Producer + Director of Liberty at Stake: The Joshua Glover Story.
Any use or reproduction of Badger Institute articles or photographs requires prior written permission. To request permission to post articles on a website or print copies for distribution, contact Badger Institute President Mike Nichols at or 262-389-8239.
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