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WILL Defended A Public School Teacher Who Was Fired for Refusing to Abandon His Religious Beliefs

The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) announces that the Argyle School District has agreed to pay $20,000 to resolve our lawsuit on behalf of our client, Jordan Cernek. Our lawsuit alleged a violation of his right to the free exercise of his religion and a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 

In May of 2023, the District decided not to renew Mr. Cernek’s teaching contract after he opposed a requirement that all staff use the preferred names and pronouns of transgender students, effectively firing him from his job. The agreement we reached with the school district ends further legal proceedings.  

The Quotes: WILL Deputy Counsel, Luke Berg, said, “We have been pleased to represent Mr. Cernek and members of the education community just like him. School districts have a duty to reasonably accommodate their employees’ religious beliefs, and Mr. Cernek’s willingness to stand up for his religious beliefs is admirable.” 

WILL Associate Counsel, Nathalie Burmeister, stated, “Freedom of religion is a core liberty that our nation and state were founded upon. Jordan’s victory is critical to advancing the cause of religious freedom across the country.”

WILL Client Jordan Cernek stated, “The district tried to force me to betray my religious convictions and commitment to God. I am grateful that there was some resolution to this matter and will continue to encourage teachers to stand up for their beliefs.”  

Additional Background:  In July of 2024, WILL filed a lawsuit against the Argyle School District on behalf of a locally renowned and respected educator, Jordan Cernek. Mr. Cernek opposed a District requirement that all staff members use the preferred names and pronouns of transgender students. 

To avoid acting contrary to his religious convictions, Mr. Cernek made the District aware of his religious objection to this requirement and agreed not to use any names when referring to students. But ultimately, the District warned him that refusing to refer to students by preferred names and pronouns would result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.  


Six months later, the District kept its promise and did not renew Mr. Cernek’s teaching contract. Mr. Cernek then filed a lawsuit alleging that the District’s dismissal violated the First Amendment, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Article I, Section 18 of the Wisconsin Constitution. After the lawsuit was filed, the parties reached an agreement to resolve the case, and this has enabled Mr. Cernek to receive compensation for refusing to violate his sincerely held religious beliefs. 

Luke Berg

Luke Berg

Deputy Counsel



Associate Counsel

The post Teacher Secures Favorable Settlement Following Religious Liberty Lawsuit appeared first on Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty.

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