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Left-wing Judge Janet Protasiewicz is touting an endorsement from a radical group that is so extreme it wants to ban trying anyone accused of a crime under the age of 25 in adult court.

The endorsement comes as more cases emerge showing Protasiewicz giving weak sentences to violent criminals.

In a tweet touting the endorsement, Protasiewicz wrote, “Judge Janet has earned the endorsement of @CitizenActionWI! Together, we will take back our Supreme Court from right-wing extremists and restore independence to the judicial branch.”

The group has been raising money for Protasiewicz.

How radical is Citizen Action of Wisconsin? The group also wants to:

  • Cut the incarceration rate in half.
  • Eliminate gang databases.
  • Eliminate all prosecution of drug offenses.
  • “Divert public funds used for surveillance, mass criminalization, incarceration, and deportation to public health interventions that meet community needs.”
  • “End Wisconsin’s structurally racist system of mass incarceration and biased policing, and replace it with an antiracist system that improves community safety by shifting from an exclusive emphasis on force and punishment,” the group writes.
  • They want public health workers to provide “services available via the 911 hotline so that police will not be called to any nonviolent situations.”
  • The group also wants to give felons and people in jail and prison the right to vote.

The group also advocates for climate change and green jobs. The group also wants state-funded health care for illegal immigrants and for the government to “provide public housing regardless of immigration status at state expense” as well as “Ban local law and state law enforcement from cooperating with ICE or any other federal immigration authorities.
” They also want free college for everybody.

The group endorsed Protasiewicz, writing, “We are impressed with Judge Protasiewicz’s egalitarian judicial philosophy, and her deep commitment to restore the Supreme Court’s traditional role as a guardian rather than a usurper of democracy and majority rule.”

The group also endorsed Mandela Barnes in the US Senate race. Barnes lost to Senator Ron Johnson, 49.5% to 50.5%.

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