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The 2023 Spring election is on April 4th. Here is the list of conservative candidates put out by the Republican Party of Door County.

2023 Spring Door County Conservative Candidates

Here are the candidates supported by the Republican Party of Door County:

While the Republican Party doesn’t officially endorse in local non-partisan races, we have been working to identify conservative candidates to recommend to voters throughout the county.  We don’t have knowledge of every candidate, but here are the identified conservative candidates based on what we know from speaking with them or networking with others.

Town of Gardner

Town Chairman: Carl Waterstreet

Supervisor Seat 3: Mark Lentz

Town of Gibraltar

Town Chair: Steve Sohns

Town of Nasewaupee

Supervisor 1 seat: Bill Krueger

Supervisor 2 seat: Don Sixel Jr

Supervisor 3 seat: Gene LaPlante

Village of Sister Bay

Village Trustees: Vivian Nienow, Andrew Torcivia, Michelle Mostardi (write-in)

Door County Conservative Candidates

The Door County Conservative Republicans are a political group that has been actively supporting Republican candidates in the county for years. Signs around Door County can be seen, displaying banners supporting President Trump and other Republican candidates. Private properties have also been spotted with security cameras installed, along with candidate signs for the Republican Party. The County Republican Party Chair is often seen at events held in Sturgeon Bay on Sunday, rallying support for their candidates and encouraging citizens to vote red. Democrats are not excluded from these conversations; they may be encouraged to vote based on personal beliefs rather than party affiliation. The Door County Conservatives Republicans strive to create a more informed electorate within their county.    Show Source Texts

This organization is heavily involved in the local community and are committed to ensuring that their representatives Mike Gallagher, Joel Kitchens, and Donald Trump are properly represented in the area. They have a facebook page which has garnered thousands of followers. The group also organizes volunteers who go out into Door County neighborhoods to put up signs for their representatives. Unfortunately, some of these signs have been vandalized recently by local Democrats. The Door County Conservatives Republicans have condemned this vandalism and remain dedicated to informing citizens of Sturgeon Bay about the values that their representatives stand for.    Show Source Texts

The county has a strong conservative electoral base and the conservative movement talk have been increasing in recent years. Conservatives have taken control of the county government, thanks to sweeping republican victories in local elections. The Republican Party of Door County has increased its presence by supporting government crackdowns on crime, tax reform, and other issues important to Wisconsin residents. These initiatives have been well received by northeast Wisconsin voters and this is reflected in the election results with increasingly larger republican majorities in the local government. Wing conservatives are now at the helm of local politics and they firmly support a set of values that resonate with much of Door County’s population.    Show Source Texts

In the 2016 elections, Republicans won eight out of 10 races and the electoral map showed Republican winners in all but two states. The local races were won by Republicans as well, with a Republican Governor clinching the majority vote.    Show Source Texts

Door County is a Republican stronghold in Southeast Wisconsin, but some of the northern communities lean more towards the Democratic Party. Southern communities tend to show greater concern for local issues than those in Western Wisconsin and thus, county residents have been known to split their votes on party lines.    Show Source Texts

Door County Conservatives Republicans have been a vocal group in the area, voicing their support for Republican gubernatorial candidates, challengers and even former President Donald Trump during elections. They have also been very supportive of Senator Ron Johnson who has won all four of his Republican districts in the county for re-election. The Evers-Republican race was close with only a few thousand votes separating them. Despite this and other victories for Johnson and other Republicans, Democrats continue to be well represented in the county with several candidates having won elections over the years. However, many believe that if it wasn’t for Door County Conservative Republicans working hard to get out the vote, there would be fewer blue wins throughout Wisconsin’s conservative areas.    Show Source Texts

Door County Conservatives Republicans have been involved in some of the tightest elections in recent years. The county republicans held banquets and hosted events to rally their supporters, with strong turnouts at their grass parades and past dinners. Kewaunee counties also showed a dismal contingent of republican party members, but still managed to show up at the polls in full force on election day. There was even reports of vandalism during some elections, yet they managed to remain strong despite this adversity. However, despite their efforts, they were soundly defeated by the blue wave that swept through most elections; Democrats won handily across all counties in Door County.    Show Source Texts

The biggest takeaway from Door County Conservatives Republicans is that the Republican Party still has a strong presence in this area. Despite the Democratic victories, Dane and Kewaunee Counties show strong support for conservative values and policies. Congressman Mike Gallagher was re-elected in this region, beating out his Democratic opponent by a wide margin; and even though their southern neighbor Winnebago County voted blue overall, many of its districts went to the red party. In conclusion, Door County Conservatives Republicans can take solace in knowing that their Republican values are still alive and well across the state.    Show Source Texts

Door County is home to a strong Republican base and the party has seen success in both local and state elections. The party’s platform focuses on upholding the original intent of the Constitution, protecting gun rights, and limiting government interference in private lives. Republicans from Dane County to Lucie County believe that the Republican Party best reflects their values when it comes to electing state legislators. The party is also working hard to ensure that its members are well-represented in state government by advocating for less taxes, limited regulations, and more freedom. With these goals in mind, Door County Conservatives Republicans can continue to be proud of their commitment to preserving traditional values while still being able to have a voice in shaping the future of Wisconsin politics.    Show Source Texts



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