This post originally appeared at

by Benjamin Yount


The Human Rights Campaign wants spend millions of dollars to connect with equality voters in Wisconsin this election season.

The Human Rights Campaign bills itself as the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people.  It says equality voters are people who share their LGBTQ focus and agenda.

“Entitled ‘We Show Up: Equality Wins,’ the campaign is a resounding rejection of intimidation and fear designed to silence and erase the LGBTQ+ community and will again show America the community’s collective strength and power to stand up, fight back, and secure the future we deserve without exception, as the community has been doing successfully for decades at the ballot box, state houses, school boards, and more,” the HRC said in a statement.

In all, the Human Rights Campaign says it is planning to spend $15 million in Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

“Trump and his MAGA allies are promising a hate-filled agenda that hurts everyone who doesn’t look and live like them. They think they can bully and scare us and take away our fundamental freedoms. But the LGBTQ+ community has won these hard fights before – and we refuse to go back. In 2020, LGBTQ+ people, young people, women, and people of color came together to drive Trump from office. This November, HRC is going to make sure we do it again. Because when we show up, equality wins,” Kelley Robinson, HRC President, said in a statement.

The HRC says it has 1 million self-identified equality voters’ in Wisconsin, which is up from 714,000 in 2022 and 590,000 in 2016.

In Wisconsin, the HRC outreach will focus on “LGBTQ+ education and accountability campaigns, initiatives to strengthen poll worker recruitment,” as well as other efforts the HRC says will “ensure everyone can exercise their right to vote.”

The latest Marquette Law School Poll shows Wisconsin as one of the closest battleground states, and one of the closest of the states the HRC is targeting. The Marquette Poll from April Trump a 2-point lead over President Joe Biden in Wisconsin among both likely and registered voters.

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Benjamin Yount is a contributor to The Center Square.
Photo “People Voting” by Phil Roeder. CC BY 2.0.





The post Human Rights Campaign to Target Wisconsin in Push for Equality Voters appeared first on The Wisconsin Daily Star.

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