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The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) has filed a lawsuit seeking a writ of mandamus on behalf of several parents in the Milwaukee Public School District (MPS). This civil action seeks to hold the Milwaukee Board of School Directors, which oversees MPS, accountable for failing to provide the number of school resource officers (SROs) state law requires in order to protect MPS schools and students. Wisconsin law requires that no fewer than 25 SROs shall be present within Milwaukee public schools. 

The Quotes: WILL Associate Counsel, Lauren Greuel, remarked, “Milwaukee families send their children to MPS with the expectation that their safety is an utmost priority. Failing to provide SROs has left students vulnerable and has forced Milwaukee police officers—through 9-1-1 calls—to pick up the slack when schools need assistance. MPS’ failure to follow this law harms the entirety of Milwaukee by not only disregarding the safety of students but also by draining the resources of MPD that are needed elsewhere.” 

Milwaukee parent and WILL client, Charlene Abughrin, stated, “I think MPS needs to take their input from the parents and put those safety resource officers in the school. Otherwise, it’s just reckless and dangerous behavior left unchecked. No discipline, no consequences. What are we teaching our kids?”  

Additional Background: Adopted in 2023, Wisconsin Act 12’s primary focus gave the option of a sales tax increase for both the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County, but it also did more. As part of Act 12, state law was amended to require that MPS “shall ensure that no fewer than 25 school resource officers are present at schools within the district during normal school hours,” and that the school resource officers are available during certain additional time periods and events. The law requires the SROs be in place no later than January 1, 2024. 

The statute defines an SRO as a law enforcement officer who is deployed in community-oriented policing and is assigned full-time collaboration with the school district. A law enforcement officer is defined as a person employed by the state or a political subdivision of the state to detect and prevent crime, enforce laws or ordinances, and is authorized to make arrests for such violations. 

According to data WILL obtained from the Milwaukee Police Department, there were well over 3000 calls to the Milwaukee Police Department from Milwaukee public schools last school year alone. Each call takes officers and resources off the streets where they are needed. 


  • Complaint for Writ of Mandamus, 2024 

Lauren Greuel

Lauren Greuel

Associate Counsel

The post Parents Fight MPS to Protect their Children in School, Demand District Follows the Law appeared first on Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty.

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