This post originally appeared at Counseling 101.png?format=1500w

Many have asked me over the years what’s the “secret sauce” to saving babies at abortion centers.  My number one answer is almost always, “showing up.”  It is possible to save babies online, over the phone, text messaging, video conference, but in my opinion, nothing surpasses the personal interaction of a one-on-one conversation with an abortion-oriented mom at an abortion center.  Of course, we know the mom is serious about the abortion because SHE is there.  Conversely, she knows we are serious about saving her baby because WE are there.  Our presence speaks VOLUMES.   


Here’s a real story about a baby saved in January at Planned Parenthood in Milwaukee.   


My friend *Dean gave me a tip that a friend of his, *Betty, has a granddaughter, *Nora, who had scheduled an abortion with Planned Parenthood in Milwaukee on Tuesday.  In the message he received, Betty asked, “Where does Dan Miller sidewalk counsel on Tuesdays?” She wanted me there.  


Betty booked a flight from Tennessee and would arrive in MKE that Tuesday morning, the day of the abortion appointment. Her son, *Adam (Nora’s dad) picked up Betty at the airport and we all met on the sidewalks about 20 minutes before the abortion appointment.  When Nora and her boyfriend, *David, showed up, Betty and Adam met them in the parking lot, got into one car, and talked for a while. After that, Betty and Adam joined us on the sidewalks. We all prayed together, and I encouraged them as much as I could. When the time came for the abortion appointment, Nora and David headed inside Planned Parenthood. One of the sidewalk counselors, Mark, offered them pro-life literature and David took it, thanked Mark and held the door open for Nora.  Everyone was so NICE!  It just felt totally wrong. He was being such a gentleman, but at the WRONG PLACE and FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS!   


While we waited, I got to know Betty and Adam a little bit more as we traded war stories from fighting abortion. I asked when they found out about Nora being pregnant. It was quite by accident.  Nora asked to borrow her brother’s car, but it really belonged to their dad, Adam. So, he asked his dad if Nora could borrow the car. Dad asked a few questions and that’s how he found out about Nora’s appointment at Planned Parenthood!  Adam told his son to tell Nora “…that’s NOT going to happen!”  Adam then rushed home to have a serious father/daughter talk and pleaded with Nora to choose life for her baby.  Considering she grew up in a very pro-life family, it was hard to imagine this was happening. In fact, Nora had volunteered at the pregnancy resource center that her grandmother helped to start in her hometown. After hearing all this, I couldn’t believe that very same young woman was sitting inside Planned Parenthood being sold an abortion as we stood outside praying and talking.  


I had to get to the office, so I regretfully said my goodbyes to Betty and Adam and thanked them for standing up for their great grandchild/grandchild. As I was leaving, I told Betty that she was the best defense for this baby. She nodded thoughtfully in agreement. “I know. That’s why I’m here.  This just cannot happen!”  I assured her that “God heard our prayers and that the Holy Spirit would move Nora to choose life. I could just feel it in my gut.”  Imagine it.  FOUR generations there at Planned Parenthood, all at once!  Crazy!  I left them with “Let’s do everything we can to make sure it stays that way!”  


Betty and Adam had a chance to talk with Nora and David one more time after the appointment.  Nora’s heels were dug in. She was resolute about getting the abortion.  I had no knowledge of this because I had left prior to the second conversation.  For the next two days, it was complete “radio silence.”  With each passing half day, my heart would get a little heavier.  Not knowing is quite possibly the hardest part of what we do.  But we trust that God will do what He does best.  TO LOVE US.   


After two days, I got a text out of nowhere from my friend, Dean, who had given me the tip.  Just three words: “She chose life!”  Betty called me later that day to thank me personally for helping to save their family’s next generation.  The Holy Spirit must have landed, because I found myself crying as we celebrated over the phone.  


There is no greater joy than to be witness to someone accepting life. Here on this earth, it just doesn’t get any better than this!  Praise the Lord!   


Dan Miller 

State Director 


*names changed for privacy 


Want to learn how to become a sidewalk counselor and help save babies? Contact State Director Dan Miller for Sidewalk Counseling 101 training. Dan can be reached at or 262-796-1111 x111. 

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